Victoria Voxxx en Kink ‘Diario de un loco, episodio 2: 'Trabajando con la nueva mascota'’

En el episodio 2 de "Diario de un loco", Victoria Voxxx se encuentra atrapada con su admirador obsesionado, sin esperanzas a la vista. Mientras trabaja en cautiverio, amordazada, azotada, electrificada, azotada y atada, un millón de preguntas recorren su cabeza presa del pánico. ¿Cuáles son las intenciones de este loco? ¿Y por qué ella específicamente? Su primera noche llega a su fin y, cuando comienza un nuevo día, es evidente que Victoria está a punto de obtener más respuestas de las que sospechaba. Pero no dejará de resistirse… o eso cree.Descargar Victoria Voxxx en ‘Diary of a Madman, Episode 2: ‘Working The New Pet”Victoria Voxxx in 'Diary of a Madman, Episode 2: 'Working The New Pet''Victoria Voxxx in 'Diary of a Madman, Episode 2: 'Working The New Pet''Victoria Voxxx in 'Diary of a Madman, Episode 2: 'Working The New Pet''Victoria Voxxx in 'Diary of a Madman, Episode 2: 'Working The New Pet''Victoria Voxxx in 'Diary of a Madman, Episode 2: 'Working The New Pet''Victoria Voxxx in 'Diary of a Madman, Episode 2: 'Working The New Pet''Victoria Voxxx in 'Diary of a Madman, Episode 2: 'Working The New Pet''Victoria Voxxx in 'Diary of a Madman, Episode 2: 'Working The New Pet''Victoria Voxxx in 'Diary of a Madman, Episode 2: 'Working The New Pet''Victoria Voxxx in 'Diary of a Madman, Episode 2: 'Working The New Pet''Victoria Voxxx in 'Diary of a Madman, Episode 2: 'Working The New Pet''Victoria Voxxx in 'Diary of a Madman, Episode 2: 'Working The New Pet''Victoria Voxxx in 'Diary of a Madman, Episode 2: 'Working The New Pet''Victoria Voxxx in 'Diary of a Madman, Episode 2: 'Working The New Pet''Victoria Voxxx in 'Diary of a Madman, Episode 2: 'Working The New Pet''Victoria Voxxx in 'Diary of a Madman, Episode 2: 'Working The New Pet''Victoria Voxxx in 'Diary of a Madman, Episode 2: 'Working The New Pet''Victoria Voxxx in 'Diary of a Madman, Episode 2: 'Working The New Pet''Victoria Voxxx in 'Diary of a Madman, Episode 2: 'Working The New Pet''Victoria Voxxx in 'Diary of a Madman, Episode 2: 'Working The New Pet''Victoria Voxxx in 'Diary of a Madman, Episode 2: 'Working The New Pet''Descargar Victoria Voxxx en ‘Diary of a Madman, Episode 2: ‘Working The New Pet”

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